Hi, my name is Aparsh Gupta
I'm a sofware Developer.

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I am Aparsh Gupta a senior year undergraduate at IIT Patna, with a major as Electrical. I have a keen interest in competitive programming and have participated previously in competetions like kickstart, codejam, ACM ICPC Gwalior-Pune regionals and have secured some good positions.I have worked in web-development projects using MERN stack. I have also worked on data-science projects. I have experience with languages such as c++, python and javascript.

I worked at Media.net as a 2 months summer intern, where I worked in project related to NLP and data-science. Before that I also worked in a startup, Sayourideas(idya.in), for 6 months as Node.js backend intern.

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Work Experiences


Functional classification of web-pages based upon url structure and meta-data.
Language identification of web-pages using Naive Bayes model and threshold analysis for the model.
Web-page content classification under IAB Taxonomy 2.2 Content Types using SVM model and threshold analysis for the model.


I worked here as a Bakend development intern.My day-to-day responsibilities included managing and creating rest api's, managing the backend architectural design and responsibly working on varoius aspescts of the product to improve it.Apart from vital NodeJs libraries I also worked with tools such as elastic search, perspective api, Kibana board. I woked in agile mothodology using jira and confluence to maintain progress update.

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Procivil app-Backend

I got this opportunity to build and host the backend for the app of a budding construction oriented company procivil. I developed the backend in nodejs from scratch working in coordination with front-end team. I also got the opportunity to explore google cloud platform and finally hosted the backend on GCP and MongoDB databse in MongoDB Atlas. This was a great learning experience for me.

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Community Forum(VGL group)

I developed a community forum using the tool phpBB. The project was a mixture of both, using pre-built plugins and admin console(Theme of forum) and doing code level changes(profanity filter to stop abusive comments from being posted). This was the first time I got exposed to industrial development and it was a great learning experience in both technical and teamwork aspects.

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  • Rank ⚡126 in ICPC Gwalior-Pune regionals
  • Global rank 398 ✨ in Google Kickstart-E
  • Global rank 284 in CodeAgon🎉
  • Rank 60 in TechGig Amdocs Wclan 2.0🎯
  • Global rank 100 in 🎊CodeChef January long Chalenge 2021
  • Global rank 218🎖 in Reply Coding Challenge



It is a React based single page web application for a restaurant. The website uses the redux principle like thunk to enhance the user experience. You can see the menu, details of a dish, featured items, can give feedback and so on. It is supported with json-server to display the data and the images. It is built using the principles of MVC. It is also equipped with some animations using the react-transition library and animation library.

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e-commerce website-Backend

This was a part of my personal project. I implemented the back-end functionalities using express router, mongoDb and jwt based token authentication. The functionalities include signup, login logout, insert, view edit the products, their comments, categories etc. It is also featured with admin privileges. User can also reset their passwords, they will get a reset password link on their email which will direct them to do so.

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Inter IIT Tech-meet- Object detection using UAV swamp

Being team member of the inter IIT tech meet team, I worked on the problem statement of finding objects using multiple drones (swamp technology), in the least possible time. We used three quadcopters and raspberry pi-4 for creating the swamp. We deployed px4 on pixhawk(flight controllers) and with the help of Q-ground control operated the pixhawk. We achieved the swamp functionality by creating a batman setup, ad-hoc mesh network. For the object detection part we used openCV library of python. And a clustering algorithm was also used to correctly determine the gps co-ordinates of objects.

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A React-Native application build using Epo-cli. Equipped with features such as animations, notifications, native driver usage like camera and gallery, share api, NetInfo api, Nested navigation. Build using MVC model. Redux persistent storage enhances the user experience. All this was supported by a locally hosted json-server.

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Back-end Template for a restaurant website

I implemented the back-end functionalities suing express router, mongoDb and jwt based token authentication + facebook OAuth2 authentication. The functionalities include signup, login logout, insert,view edit the dishes, their comments, categories etc. It is also featured with admin privileges.

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Resonate confusion: a restaurant website(front-end)

I implemented Bootstarp classes, jQuerry, node nomodules for automation, Scss, modal forms. This was a very interesting and exciting project. The github repository has all the project files with the distribution folder except node_modules.

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It is an app which provides learning platform to children suffering from Autism. It provides them, the power to learn small words and sentences step by step. I learned to work with a team. I worked on the front-end of the apps. Creating layouts for different screens.

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You can mail me on aparsh.gupta@gmail.com

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Or call me on +91 9588283843